Nevos utilise diverses techniques de traitement des données, telles que les cookies, pour vous offrir la meilleure expérience utilisateur possible
Nous prenons en compte vos préférences et nous vous demandons de nous donner votre consentement en cliquant sur "J'accepte". Vous pouvez révoquer le consentement donné à tout moment avec effet futur. Vous pouvez trouver plus d'informations sur les cookies et les options de personnalisation dans
et dans notre
Paramètres de confidentialité.
Consultez ici nos mentions légales.
Contenu intégré / partagé
Nevos is offering for all users to embed content from other social networks, like youtube videos. That embedded content can often load analytical cookies which can sent data outside of Nevos. Therefore Nevos is offering to every visitor to disable this feature. But unfortunatelly, if this feature is disabled, embedded content will be hidden to users which have this option disabled.This is the only way to prevent 3rd party cookies to be used in case of embedded content.
Connexion sociale
Nevos is offering for all users to register/login using other social networks like Facebook or Google. This method is called "single sign on" and it is common practice to use already created account on another social network to be used on Nevos as well.This method is also considered very secured because no password is being used during registration or login procedure.When this option is enabled, it is possible that 3rd party cookie, from these social networks, can be placed on users browser. Nevos is offering option to all users to disable this feature, but the only way is to prevent using single sign on features.To enable single sign on feature, pleas check the checkbox bellow:
Nevos use analytics data in order to improve the quality of overall user experience. This data help us to understand how out service is used and it is used as a baseground for developing new features and also to improve the existing ones Pour atteindre ces objectifs, Nevos utilise Google Analytics pour collecter et analyser les données
Marketing en ligne
general.use Facebook as a partner in online marketing advertisement. In order to make best ads possible which are going to be served people who have interest in Floyk and also to present Floyk features and services in a way that users can understand the benefits and features that Floyk is offering, we use Facebook marketing platform where we serve and collect info about our ads and their performance.Therefore we need to use Facebook advertising cookie in order to understand and improve data collected by activity on Nevos and also data collected by serving ads on Facebook.